遠藤秀一 / NPO法人Tuvalu Overview代表、ツバル環境親善大使
大月壮 / 映像作家、ディレクター
清水イアン / 環境アクティビスト(元350.orgマネージャー)
ニーナ・リーマン / 350.orgボランティアスタッフ
田村聡 / 環境デジタルマーケター
「ツバルの滑走路は昼は公園、夜はロマンティックな場所」「全長15キロなのにバイクがめちゃくちゃ走ってる」 このサイトを訪れたら、まずはこの対談を読んでほしい。「ツバルってどんなところなの?」というあなたに、ツバル導入編です!
Sinking Website
This website changes in real-time according to the sea level at Tuvalu. At high tide, over half of the website is submerged. If you want to lower the sea level to view the full website, you have to press the “Tuvalu Share Button,” which allows you to share this website on your social media page. Please do that to help raise awareness about the situation in Tuvalu. If you want to see how the website looks at maximum sea level, just press the “King Tide Button” at the bottom of the page at any time.
Sinking Website
This website changes in real-time according to the sea level at Tuvalu. At high tide, over half of the website is submerged. If you want to lower the sea level to view the full website, you have to press the “Tuvalu Share Button,” which allows you to share this website on your social media page. Please do that to help raise awareness about the situation in Tuvalu. If you want to see how the website looks at maximum sea level, just press the “King Tide Button” at the bottom of the page at any time.